App roundup: What’s new this month?

We’re always eager to see which new apps have made their way to the iOS store or Google Play. And this month, there were several great new ones hitting the market, plus some exciting feature updates to existing products.


Pinterest expands its business resources

While platforms such as Facebook have developed relatively sophisticated features for their business partners, other social sites are still playing catch up. This week, we were interested to consider Pinterest’s latest developments, and how these will lure brands on board.


The Presidential Election: How digital played a part

As with any momentous event, online activity was rife throughout the Presidential Election. We look back on the digital and social media highlights, and ask- did conversation have an effect on the final outcome?


Twitter’s plans: Will they help secure the company’s future?

Recently, Twitter revealed its latest revenue stats in its Q3 Earnings Call. With a new set of figures and plans to assess, what direction does the platform hope to move in this year?


Instagram’s “shoppable” tags: Mobile commerce continues to evolve

In perhaps one of the most exciting updates this year, Instagram has announced it will soon be displaying shoppable photo tags on product images. So how will the development impact brands and users alike?


Vine: A great platform gone stagnant

Last week, Twitter made a sad announcement- Vine will cease to exist. One of the first video apps, the platform had built a cult following. So what went wrong, and was it right to pull the plug on a great product?


Facebook Messenger: The only place for mobile retail

Facebook wants to be your one-stop destination for social networking, content consumption, and e-commerce. Of these, the latter is growing exponentially, especially when it comes to Facebook Messenger’s latest features.

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Snapchat: Raising the bar for mobile communication

It seems that Snapchat sets a precedent as far as mobile networking apps are concerned. With several social platforms keen to adopt its features, have they succeeded in increasing their popularity?


Brands and YouTube: Reaching millennial viewers

We’ve increasingly seen the rise in younger audiences choosing online video viewing over traditional channels. But for the first time, YouTube viewership amongst millennials has overtaken that of TV, prompting brands to reassess their digital marketing strategies.


Will Facebook ads be displayed in Groups?

Driving revenue through advertising is one of the main ways in which a free service such as Facebook can hope to grow and stay afloat. But with ads starting to saturate the platform, how can Facebook ensure it continues to turn a profit?
